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haec illum qui primus finctus est patrem orbis terrarum cum solus esset creatus custodivit
She preserved him, that was first formed by God, the father of the world, when he was created alone,
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et eduxit illum a delicto suo et dedit illi virtutem continendi omnia
And she brought him out of his sin, and gave him power to govern all things.
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ab hac ut recessit iniustus in ira sua per iram homicidii fraternitatis deperiit
But when the unjust went away from her in his anger, he perished by the fury wherewith he murdered his brother.
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propter quem cum aqua deleret terram iterum sanavit sapientia per contemptibile lignum iustum gubernans
For whose cause, when water destroyed the earth, wisdom healed it again, directing the course of the just by contemptible wood.
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haec et in consensu nequitiae cum se nationes contulissent scivit iustum et servavit sine querella Deo et in filii misericordia fortem custodivit
Moreover, when the nations had conspired together to consent to wickedness, she knew the just, and preserved him without blame to God, and kept him strong against the compassion for his son.
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haec iustum a pereuntibus impiis liberavit fugientem descendentem ignem in Pentapoli
She delivered the just man, who fled from the wicked that were perishing, when the fire came down upon Pentapolis:
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cuius in testimonium nequitiae fumigabunda constat deserta terra et incerto tempore fructus habentes arbores et incredibilis animae memoria stans figmentum salis
Whose land, for a testimony of their wickedness, is desolate, and smoketh to this day, and the trees bear fruits that ripen not, and a standing pillar of salt is a monument of an incredulous soul.
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sapientiam enim praetereuntes non tantum in hoc lapsi sunt ut ignorarent bona sed et insipientiae suae reliquerunt hominibus memoriam ut in his quae peccaverunt nec latere potuissent
For regarding not wisdom, they did not only slip in this, that they were ignorant of good things; but they left also unto men a memorial of their folly, so that in the things in which they sinned, they could not so much as lie hid.
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sapientia autem hos qui se observant a doloribus liberavit
But wisdom hath delivered from sorrow them that attend upon her.
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haec profugum irae fratris iustum deduxit per vias rectas et ostendit illi regnum Dei et dedit illi scientiam sanctorum honestavit illum in laboribus et conplevit labores illius
She conducted the just, when he fled from his brother's wrath, through the right ways, and shewed him the kingdom of God, and gave him the knowledge of the holy things, made him honourable in his labours, and accomplished his labours.
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in fraude circumvenientium illum adfuit et honestum illum fecit
In the deceit of them that overreached him, she stood by him, and made him honourable.
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custodivit illum ab inimicis et a seductoribus tutavit eum et certamen forte dedit illi ut vinceret ut sciret quoniam omnium potentior est sapientia
She kept him safe from his enemies, and she defended him from seducers, and gave him a strong conflict, that he might overcome, and know that wisdom is mightier than all.
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haec venditum iustum non dereliquit sed a peccatoribus liberavit illum descendit cum illo in foveam
She forsook not the just when he was sold, but delivered him from sinners: she went down with him into the pit.
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et in vinculis non dereliquit illum donec adferret illi sceptrum regni et potentiam adversus eos qui eum deprimebant et mendaces ostendit qui maculaverunt ipsum et dedit illi claritatem aeternam
And in bands she left him not, till she brought him the sceptre of the kingdom, and power against those that oppressed him: and shewed them to be liars that had accused him, and gave him everlasting glory.
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haec populum iustum et semen sine querella liberavit a nationibus quae illum conprimebant
She delivered the just people, and blameless seed, from the nations that oppressed them.
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intravit in animam servi Domini et stetit contra reges horrendos in portentis et signis
She entered into the soul of the servant of God and stood against dreadful kings in wonders and signs.
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et reddidit iustis mercedem laborum suorum et deduxit illos in via mirabili et fuit illis in velamento diei et in luce stellarum nocte
And she rendered to the just the wages of their labours, and conducted them in a wonderful way: and she was to them for a covert by day, and for the light of stars by night:
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transtulit illos mare Rubrum et transvexit illos per aquam nimiam
And she brought them through the Red Sea, and carried them over through a great water.
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inimicos autem illorum demersit in mare et ab altitudine inferorum eduxit illos ideo iusti tulerunt spolia impiorum
But their enemies she drowned in the sea, and from the depth of hell she brought them out. Therefore the just took the spoils of the wicked.
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et decantaverunt Domine nomen sanctum tuum et victricem manum tuam laudaverunt pariter
And they sung to thy holy name, O Lord, and they praised with one accord thy victorious hand.
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quoniam sapientia aperuit os mutorum et linguas infantium fecit dissertas
For wisdom opened the mouth of the dumb, and made the tongues of infants eloquent.